Pre-K Art Day - May 7 Spring Flowers & Sunshine

05/07/2019 10:00 AM - 10:45 AM ET


  • Free


Join us as we decorate some paper flowers that really bloom and then collect items from nature to design unique sun prints!

Kids ages 3-5 years old, alongside their parent or caregiver, will investigate, dance, play, and create during Pre-K Art Day at the LASC. Topics change weekly and integrate art and science into a fun hands-on experience.
We may use glue, tape, scissors, markers, clay, crayons, paint, slime, dirt or other messes, dress accordingly.
Class size is limited to 15 students + their parent or caregiver. First come first serve. Space is limited for strollers.

3-5 Years Old | 10:00 - 10:45 PM | Tuesday, May 7 | FREE